
Seminary Admissions

现在申请2024年秋季学期! 学费奖学金仍然可用.

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Cost of Attendance

虽然我们努力保持我们的学费和费用较低的神学院学生, 重要的是要考虑到上神学院和获得学位的成本超出了直接教育成本. 当你决定在哪里接受神学教育时, 使用下面的信息来帮助你估计一年的出勤费用和整个神学院学位.

Cost Per Year Estimate

Program 每年推荐学分 Yearly Tuition
($575 per credit hour)
Community Service Fee Field Education Technology Fee
$10 per credit
Total Year Cost
Master of Divinity 20 $11,500 $500 $400 $200 $12,600
MA in Christian Formation 14 $8,050 $500 $400 $140 $9,090
MA in Christian Ministry 13 $7,475 $500 $200 $130 $8,305
MA in Theological Studies 21 $12,075 $500 $200 $210 $12,985

Variable and Indirect Costs

无论你攻读哪个学位或证书课程, 你可能会遇到超出上述学杂费的费用. 这些可变费用和间接费用包括:

  • Field Education -所有攻读学位的学生都必须完成2到11个学分的实地教育, 哪一个是你课堂作业的伴侣, 每个实地教育学分收费200美元. Talk with Seminary Admissions 或者你的导师告诉你什么时候是完成这部分教育的好时机.
  • Books and course materials
  • Housing -神学院房屋的租金按月收取,并根据公寓的大小和位置而有所不同. Learn more.
  • Transportation
  • Other personal expenditures

The FAFSA 确定你的经济需求,作为你的教育成本和你的经济能力之间的差额. 经济援助可以覆盖, but cannot exceed, the cost of attendance, which includes tuition, books, supplies, housing and food, transportation, 以及一些在北公园就读期间的生活费. 一些额外支出(一).e. childcare, disability, 医疗费用)可能有资格增加你的计算费用与适当的文件, 但债务的偿还(如.g. 汽车付款和信用卡账单)不包括在这个计算中.


一些学生在做入学决定时,喜欢估算他们在北公园的整个学习项目将花费多少钱. 下表给出了完整程序成本的一些计算.

然而,请注意,列出的总学费是基于 本年度的每学分成本; it is typical for this amount to go up by a small percentage each August. 几乎所有的学位课程都会超过一年, 总学费将随着每学分学费率的增加而增加.


Program 所需学分和预计年限 Total Tuition
Total Standard Fees Total Program Cost
based on current cost
Master of Divinity 79 academic
11 Field Education
4 estimated years
$45,425 $5,140 $50,565
MA in Christian Formation 48 academic
7 Field Education
4 estimated years
$27,600 $4,030 $31,630
MA in Christian Ministry 36学术领域教育
3 estimated years
$20,700 $2,610 $23,310
MA in Theological Studies 60学术领域教育
3 estimated years
$34,500 $2,950 $37,450
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