

《亚游集团官方网站》希腊文要点概览. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. 课程只分及格/不及格.

《亚游集团官方网站》希腊文要点概览. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. 课程只分及格/不及格.

《亚游集团官方网站》希腊文要点概览. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. 课程只分及格/不及格.

Attention will be given to the procedures and tools used in the exegetical process, 考证, 翻译, 新约希腊语句法, 神学的影响, 以及对事工的应用. Experience will be gained through the exegesis of a New Testament book.

The course is designed to increase the facility of students to read and translate New Testament Greek. 课程只分及格/不及格.

本课程将涵盖创世记-申命记,以及在解释旧约中使用的解释学方法的概述. 对这五本书的研究方法既是权威的,也是历史的, so it covers 神学 of the texts as well as their most prominent 解释ive settings in Israel's 历史. Includes: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and hermeneutics.

This course will include the prophetic corpus as well as the various prophetic settings in Kings. 从历史上看,它将涵盖从分裂的王国到波斯第二圣殿恢复的先知讲道. Includes: 1 and 2 Kings; Isaiah, 耶利米, 以西结, 丹尼尔, 何西阿书, 乔尔, 阿摩司, 俄巴底亚, 约拿, 弥迦和那鸿, 哈巴谷书, 西番雅书, 哈, 撒迦利亚, 和玛拉基书.

本课程将探讨诗篇和智慧的诗歌传统, beginning with Israel's origins and continuing through the united monarchy, 流亡, 并返回. The course will also include an introduction to Hebrew language, concepts, and digital tools. 包括:约书亚, 法官, 露丝, 1 and 2 Samuel; Job, 诗篇, 和谚语, 歌曲, 耶利米哀歌, 传道书, 以斯帖, Ezra-Nehemiah, 历代志上、下, 和希伯来语.

This course explores the 解释ation, 上下文, 和新约的内容. Attention is given to the nature of the New Testament as Scripture and to fundamental hermeneutical issues, with a focus on 历史 criticism as a basis for theological 解释ation. 的政治, 社会, 第二圣殿犹太教和希腊罗马社会的宗教世界被描述为通过启示录研究马太福音的框架. The content of selected books from each of the genres and 历史 phases of the New Testament is examined, and important theological themes running across the canon are introduced (e.g. 基督论,末世论). 特别强调的是在他们的历史背景和基本训诂技能的发展文本的参与.

本课程将进一步探讨这种解释, 上下文, 和新约的内容, with particular emphasis on the 神学 of New Testament texts and their contemporary relevance. Theological themes running across the canon which were introduced in NT1 are explored in greater detail, 包括历史上的耶稣, 基督论, 救世神学, 教会学, 伦理学和末世论. 福音书中对耶稣的描绘将被批判性地作为加深对他的生活和教导的历史和神学理解的一种手段. 我们将分析保罗书信及其神学,并评估它们对呈现福音的意义. 研究使徒行传和其他选定的新约经文,将促使对教会的性质及其参与宣教的批判性反思. 特别强调的是,从正典的角度发展历史和神学知识的训诂技能.

这门课程是对圣经希伯来语的要点的调查,包括基本的语法概念和强动词. 特别强调的是建立词汇. 课程只分及格/不及格.

本课程继续向学生介绍语法和词汇,通过从希伯来语旧约的翻译. It seeks to provide a beginning knowledge of the exegetical task and the tools to achieve it. 特别强调理解希伯来语语法, 口译的文学技巧, 以及对训诂资源的利用. 我们的目标是让学生做好准备,把解经作为当地牧师教导和讲道事工的一部分. 课程只分及格/不及格.

在本课程中, 学生翻译和讨论选定的文本从希伯来圣经,以提高他们的设施与希伯来语. 课程只分及格/不及格.

《亚游集团官方网站》希伯来语要点概览. The focus is on basic grammar, vocabulary, and the development of reading skills. 课程只分及格/不及格.

本课程探讨圣经的教义, 以及解释它的重要方法, 以丰富圣经的讲道和教导.

This course concerns the place and authority of the Ten Commandments as Christian Scripture, including a survey of the major traditions of 解释ing the Decalogue, 它在基督教信仰和基督教神学形成中的作用, 以及它在教会生活中的地位. 它会关注他们文化中的诫命, 规范, theological and ethical 上下文s and as a text meant to form the faith, 上帝子民的希望和爱.

对解释学问题的关注,以及对古代和现代寓言文学讨论的关注,为理解耶稣的寓言提供了框架. Most of the course focuses on analysis of individual parables and their proclamation in 教会.

This course examines the dominant themes and perspectives of Paul's gospel including, 但不限于, 他对罪的理解, 基督的位格和工作, 救恩, 教会, 以及基督徒生活的伦理要求. 特别关注保罗的神学如何告知教会今天的工作,因为它解决当代的问题和挑战.

这门跨学科课程将研究圣经中关于健康和治疗的主要主题和观点. 对健康的理解, 疗愈, 以及文化中的疾病, 历史, 和圣经的语言背景将被研究, as well as biblical perspectives on individual and community dimensions of health. 我们当代对健康和治疗的理解和实践将在这些圣经观点的光中进行检查.

An analysis of the eschatology of both testaments and a treatment of the crucial texts and theological themes. The course offers instruction on such themes as judgment and 救恩, 天堂与地狱, 实现和未来的末世论. 还注意到发展的末世论在圣经和各种现代尝试解释末世论.

本课程旨在培养对男女之间神圣关系的圣经和神学理解, 性别与事工, 领导与服从, 领导力和神学, 上帝和性别. 它特别关注主要的解释性问题及其与今天的领导和事工角色的相关性.

本课程从旧约和新约中选择圣经文本,并对非裔美国人如何理解圣经, 亚裔美国人, 拉丁美洲人, 以及其他美国族裔学者从他们各自的文化位置和社会历史中听到同样的文本. Special attention is given to exegetical method, theological reflection, and cultural hermeneutics.

对《亚游集团官方网站》在古代近东和正典背景下的深入训诂处理,特别关注其独特的叙事和法律体裁的结合, 主要神学主题, 以及在摩西五经中的作用. 本课程还追溯了《亚游集团官方网站》在《亚游集团官方网站》和《亚游集团官方网站》中的重要呼应,以及它对圣经神学的贡献.

对文学形式的归纳性研究, 文化背景, 从神学的角度看诗篇选集. The course suggests how psalms might be used in public and private worship.

This course involves reading the book of Isaiah and its various 解释ations. 它试图提供关于总体内容(事件)的知识, 字符, 主题)和原始的文化和历史背景. 将注意文学体裁, 关键问题, and inter-biblical 解释ations as they aid the 解释ation of Isaiah's text. 目的是让学生们做好欣赏的准备, 解释, 并在教会的事工中教导以赛亚.

本课程概述耶利米书, 先知的遗产,他解释了犹大最后三十年的重大事件,并为其未来奠定了神学基础. Discussion considers the book's 历史 background, composition, literary nature, and message. 本课程主要集中于对范例经文的归纳研究,以及它们对现今基督徒生活和事工的启示.

在本课程中,学生将考察福音书作者所独特呈现的耶稣的生平和教导. 这本书将从文学的角度加以研究, 历史, 神学, 以及它与教会生活的关联.

This course is an examination of John's distinctive presentation of the life and teaching of Jesus. The focus will be on Jesus' interaction with individuals and groups of diverse religious, 经济, 社会, 政治, 教育背景. The course will explore theological and practical implications for 教会 today.

The focus of this course is on the 目的, argument, and 神学 of this important letter. 处理基督教神学中的关键问题, 尤其是对救赎的理解, 信仰的意义, 对罪的理解, 法律的作用, 和以色列的地方.

纵观教会的历史,保罗的书信一直是那些试图回答“福音是什么”这个问题的人的关键文本?本课程探讨了一些经典的答案, examining both the impact upon them of their 上下文 and their own subsequent influence. Their significance for our own attempts to express the gospel is also considered.

本课程探讨了典型的一世纪教会在将基督教与他们所处的社会联系起来时所面临的各种问题. Attention will be given to principles and guidelines for tackling similar issues for 教会 today.

The analysis of these two closely related letters focuses on their teaching about 基督论, 救恩, 在基督里的生命, 还有教堂.

这门课讲的是彼得前书和彼得后书, 主要关注彼得前书, 它的特征是一个字母, 对旧约和传统材料的使用, 以及它与教会生活的关联.

This course is an exegetical study of the New Testament Apocalypse of John. 注意体裁问题, 社会历史背景, 目的, cultural-religious上下文, 以及教会对启示录的各种解释.

Students will practice moving from biblical text to sermon with a focus on a selected book of the Bible. 与圣经类型(祖先叙事)讲道有关的问题, 智慧的诗歌, 预言)将被讨论. Topics include: the story of Joseph and his family, Proverbs, and 耶利米. 前提条件:讲道或导师的许可. 交叉上市与MNST 7160.

本课程与每年一度的北园圣经神学解释研讨会同时举行,并讨论该年度研讨会的主题. Students are required to attend all sessions of the Symposium as well as scheduled class sessions.

This open category allows periodic focus on various special topics in biblical studies.

These courses are offered by Young Life and given graduate credit through 北公园神学院.


An opportunity for students to explore a topic of interest outside the regular curriculum. 需要教练的许可. Submission of course proposal/syllabus to the academic dean is required.

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