Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥


实习 Sites and Supervisors

Since 1935 北公园神学院 has had an extensive internship program as a part of its graduate degrees in ministry. The participation of local churches, 非营利组织, and the 福音圣约教会 denomination in providing placement opportunities for our interns is invaluable.

主要是, 领域的教育 is designed to to serve Christ and the church by helping to provide competent and compassionate ministers. 实习s are guided learning experiences for students, bringing opportunities for growth and learning that don’t exist in seminary classrooms. 实习学生是一个学习者, seeking to develop integration between theory and practice, 边做边学. 领域的教育 gives further content to studies, 发展人际关系成熟度, provides practice in communication, insights into organization and procedure, and enables the student to discover weaknesses while strengthening a sense of Christian vocation.

领域的教育 is also an opportunity for the church or organization (including pastors, 工作人员, and lay leaders) to invest in pastoral formation of students as well as their own spiritual growth and formation. Such an investment will include time to mentor and evaluate the student, providing a context that meets the student’s learning goals and objectives as well as diverse opportunities for the student to learn by doing. The student will need quality time with supervisors and lay members to reflect together on his or her learning. It is hoped that students will do well in their ministry setting, and will learn though their mistakes as well as their successes.

It is also important that interning students do not incur excessive financial burdens in order to complete their 领域的教育 requirements. Some of your church or organization responsibilities to the student are:

  • Provide a stipend that does not go below minimum wages (could include the cost of 领域的教育 fees)
  • 交通运输(我.e. 汽车及/或里程)
  • 住房 (could include the cost of moving)

Please note: Funds to support town and country churches who desire to host interns are available through the 达斯迪·拉森奖学金.

Although 北公园神学院 does not appoint internship settings to students, 填写表格 Prospective 实习 Site Information assists us in matching the needs of the student and the church or organization. Feel free to complete and forward the form to the 实地教育人员. Once a student becomes an intern at your church or organization, more information will follow to help you navigate the internship process and to nurture a fulfilling internship experience.

Our hope is that you will join us to serve the church in a way that allows students to flourish through a guided practical learning experience, 在他们的恩赐中成长, 他们对事奉的呼召, 以及他们的牧师身份. We count it as a wonderful privilege to consider you a partner in this ministry and genuinely enjoy an opportunity to prepare students to serve the Church.